
South Pacific
Holiday Planner
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South Pacific Islands:
South Pacific Holiday Planner

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South Pacific Holidays
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A South Pacific holiday is the perfect recipe for relaxation and sightseeing, with stunning beaches on secluded small islands making it one the best destinations in the world for a romantic wedding or honeymoon. There are hundreds of remote palm-fringed beaches, tiny coral islands and small intimate resorts with beach side thatch bungalows scattered around the islands. And there's lots to do during the day from scuba diving to exploring the local culture. Nightlife is very quiet with serenading, sunset cocktails and watching local traditional dances under the stars. Night clubbing is almost non-existent in any of the islands. The South Pacific people however are warm, friendly and extremely courteous making their hospitality one of the islands greatest assets.

The Pacific is divided by the equator, the two halves being the North Pacific (Hawaii and the tiny Micronesian Islands including Guam, Palau and the Marshall Islands), and the South Pacific (including New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Niue, Tonga, Cook Islands and Tahiti) with Kiribati straddling the equator. The North Pacific Islands, being north of the equator, has its summer between May and September whilst the South Pacific Islands has its summer between November and April when temperatures and humidity are higher resulting in more frequent and often heavy rainfall, except of course, for New Zealand, which is as too far south to be effected by intense heat.

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Beaches ; Snorkelling ; Weddings ; Honeymoons ; Cruises ; Golf Holidays ; Nightlife ; Family Holidays ; Sightseeing

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Pacific Travel Guides is an independent publisher specializing in the South Pacific providing free and unbiased tourist information on the Internet as well as coffee table photographic books to help travellers plan their holidays.

Please note that we are not a booking agent and are unable to offer personal advice, recommendations or a booking service; nor are we set up to answer email enquiries about the region.

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6 Newtown Beach,
Nadi, Fiji

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